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add(int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified int value to the end of this array.
add(long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified long value to the end of this array.
add(float) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified float value to the end of this array.
add(double) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified double value to the end of this array.
add(boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified boolean value to the end of this array.
add(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the JSON representation of the specified string to the end of this array.
add(JsonValue) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Appends the specified JSON value to the end of this array.
add(String, int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified int value.
add(String, long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified long value.
add(String, float) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified float value.
add(String, double) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified double value.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the JSON representation of the specified string.
add(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Appends a new member to the end of this object, with the specified name and the specified JSON value.
address(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Sets the address (URL) of the Vault server instance to which API calls should be sent.
allowAnyName(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
allowBareDomains(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
allowedDomains(List<String>) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
allowIpSans(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
allowLocalhost(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
allowSubdomains(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
array() - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new empty JsonArray.
array(int...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given int values.
array(long...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given long values.
array(float...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given float values.
array(double...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given double values.
array(boolean...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given boolean values.
array(String...) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new JsonArray that contains the JSON representations of the given strings.
asArray() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
asArray() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as JsonArray, assuming that this value represents a JSON array.
asBoolean() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a boolean value, assuming that this value is either true or false.
asDouble() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a double value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number.
asFloat() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a float value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number.
asInt() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as an int value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number that can be interpreted as Java int.
asLong() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as a long value, assuming that this value represents a JSON number that can be interpreted as Java long.
asObject() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
asObject() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as JsonObject, assuming that this value represents a JSON object.
asString() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns this JSON value as String, assuming that this value represents a JSON string.
Auth - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api
The implementing class for operations on Vault's /v1/auth/* REST endpoints.
Auth(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
auth() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for operations on Vault's /v1/auth/* REST endpoints
AuthResponse - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.response
This class is a container for the information returned by Vault in auth backend operations.
AuthResponse(RestResponse, int) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
This constructor simply exposes the common base class constructor.


body(byte[]) - Method in class
Sets a binary payload that will be sent as the request body for POST or PUT requests.
build() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
This is the terminating method in the builder pattern.


certificate(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
clientFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
codeSigningFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
com.bettercloud.vault - package com.bettercloud.vault
The root package containing the primary Vault driver class.
com.bettercloud.vault.api - package com.bettercloud.vault.api
Classes implementing the various endpoints of the Vault HTTP API.
com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki - package com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki
com.bettercloud.vault.json - package com.bettercloud.vault.json
Intended for internal use by other classes within the Vault driver library.
com.bettercloud.vault.response - package com.bettercloud.vault.response
Containers of data returned by the various Vault API calls. - package
Intended for internal use by other classes within the Vault driver library.
connectTimeoutSeconds(Integer) - Method in class
The number of seconds to wait before giving up on establishing an HTTP(S) connection.
createOrUpdateRole(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Operation to create an role using the PKI backend.
createOrUpdateRole(String, RoleOptions) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Operation to create an role using the PKI backend.
createToken(UUID, List<String>, Map<String, String>, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, Long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Operation to create an authentication token.
createWriter(Writer) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.PrettyPrint
Credential - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki
A container for credential details returned endpoints on the PKI backend.
Credential() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
CredentialFormat - Enum in com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki
Possible format options for credentials issued by the PKI backend.


Debug - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api
The implementing class for operations on REST endpoints, under the "Debug" section of the Vault HTTP API docs (
Debug(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Debug
debug() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for Vault's debug operations (e.g.
delete(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical
Deletes the key/value pair located at the provided path.
delete() - Method in class
Executes an HTTP DELETE request with the settings already configured.
deleteRole(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Operation to delete an role using the PKI backend.


emailProtectionFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
enforceHostnames(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject.Member
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one according to the contract specified in Object.equals(Object).


FALSE - Static variable in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal false.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.CredentialFormat


get(int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns the value of the element at the specified position in this array.
get(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the value of the member with the specified name in this object.
get() - Method in class
Executes an HTTP GET request with the settings already configured.
getAddress() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getAllowAnyName() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAllowBareDomains() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAllowedDomains() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAllowIpSans() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAllowLocalhost() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAllowSubdomains() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getAppId() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getAuthClientToken() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getAuthLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getAuthPolicies() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getBody() - Method in class
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the boolean value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getCertificate() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
getClientFlag() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getCodeSigningFlag() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getColumn() - Method in exception com.bettercloud.vault.json.ParseException
Returns the index of the character at which the error occurred, relative to the line.
getCredential() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.PkiResponse
getData() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.LogicalResponse
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the double value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getEmailProtectionFlag() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getEnforceHostnames() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the float value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getHttpStatusCode() - Method in exception com.bettercloud.vault.VaultException
An HTTP status code, returned from a Vault server, that is the cause of this VaultException.
getInitialized() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the int value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getIssuingCa() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
getKeyBits() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getKeyType() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getLeaseDuration() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.LogicalResponse
getLeaseId() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.LogicalResponse
getLine() - Method in exception com.bettercloud.vault.json.ParseException
Returns the number of the line in which the error occurred.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the long value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getMaxTtl() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getMimeType() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject.Member
Returns the name of this member.
getOffset() - Method in exception com.bettercloud.vault.json.ParseException
Returns the absolute index of the character at which the error occurred.
getOpenTimeout() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
getPrivateKeyType() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getRenewable() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getRenewable() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.LogicalResponse
getRestResponse() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getRestResponse() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.VaultResponse
getRetries() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getRetries() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.VaultResponse
getRetryIntervalMilliseconds() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getRole(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Operation to retrieve an role using the PKI backend.
getRoleOptions() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.PkiResponse
getSealed() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
getServerFlag() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getServerTimeUTC() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getSslPemUTF8() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getStandby() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
getStatus() - Method in class
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the String value of the member with the specified name in this object.
getToken() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
getTtl() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getUseCsrCommonName() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
getUserId() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getUsername() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
getValue() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject.Member
Returns the value of this member.


hashCode() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
hashCode() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
hashCode() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject.Member
hashCode() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
header(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a header to be send with the HTTP request.
health() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Debug
Returns the health status of Vault.
health(Boolean, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Debug
An overloaded version of that allows for passing one or more optional parameters.
HealthResponse - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.response
This class is a container for the information returned by Vault in v1/sys/health operations.
HealthResponse(RestResponse, int) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.response.HealthResponse
Constructs a HealthResponse object from the data received in a health check operation.


indentWithSpaces(int) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.PrettyPrint
Print every value on a separate line.
indentWithTabs() - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.PrettyPrint
Do not break lines, but still insert whitespace between values.
isArray() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
isArray() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON array.
isAuthRenewable() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.response.AuthResponse
isBoolean() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a boolean value.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns true if this array contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns true if this object contains no members.
isFalse() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal false.
isNull() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal null.
isNumber() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON number.
isObject() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
isObject() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON object.
isSslVerify() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
isString() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents a JSON string.
issue(String, String, List<String>, List<String>, String, CredentialFormat) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Operation to generate a new set of credentials (private key and certificate) based on a given role using the PKI backend.
issuingCa(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
isTrue() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Detects whether this value represents the JSON literal true.
iterator() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns an iterator over the values of this array in document order.
iterator() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns an iterator over the members of this object in document order.


Json - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
This class serves as the entry point to the minimal-json API.
JsonArray - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Represents a JSON array, an ordered collection of JSON values.
JsonArray() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Creates a new empty JsonArray.
JsonArray(JsonArray) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Creates a new JsonArray with the contents of the specified JSON array.
JsonObject - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Represents a JSON object, a set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.
JsonObject() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Creates a new empty JsonObject.
JsonObject(JsonObject) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Creates a new JsonObject, initialized with the contents of the specified JSON object.
JsonObject.Member - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Represents a member of a JSON object, a pair of a name and a value.
JsonValue - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Represents a JSON value.


keyBits(Long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
keyType(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions


Leases - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api
The implementing class for operations on REST endpoints, under the "Leases" section of the Vault HTTP API docs (
Leases(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Leases
leases() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for Vault's lease operations (e.g.
list(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical
Retrieve a list of keys corresponding to key/value pairs at a given Vault path.
Logical - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api
The implementing class for Vault's core/logical operations (e.g.
Logical(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical
logical() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for Vault's core/logical operations (e.g.
LogicalResponse - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.response
This class is a container for the information returned by Vault in logical API operations (e.g.
LogicalResponse(RestResponse, int) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.response.LogicalResponse
loginByAppID(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
loginByAppRole(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Basic login operation to authenticate to an app-role backend.
loginByGithub(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Basic login operation to authenticate to an github backend.
loginByUserPass(String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Basic login operation to authenticate to a Username & Password backend.


maxTtl(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
merge(JsonObject) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Copies all members of the specified object into this object.
MINIMAL - Static variable in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.WriterConfig
Write JSON in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.


names() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns a list of the names in this object in document order.
NULL - Static variable in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal null.


object() - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Creates a new empty JsonObject.
openTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
The number of seconds to wait before giving up on establishing an HTTP(S) connection to the Vault server.


parameter(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a parameter to be sent with the HTTP request.
parse(String) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Parses the given input string as JSON.
parse(Reader) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Reads the entire input stream from the given reader and parses it as JSON.
ParseException - Exception in com.bettercloud.vault.json
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
Pki - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki
The implementing class for operations on Vault's PKI backend.
Pki(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Constructor for use when the PKI backend is mounted on the default path (i.e.
Pki(VaultConfig, String) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Pki
Constructor for use when the PKI backend is mounted on some non-default custom path (e.g.
pki() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for Vault's PKI secret backend (i.e.
pki(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Returns the implementing class for Vault's PKI secret backend, using a custom path when that backend is mounted on something other than the default (i.e.
PkiResponse - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.response
This class is a container for the information returned by Vault in PKI backend API operations (e.g.
PkiResponse(RestResponse, int) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.response.PkiResponse
post() - Method in class
Executes an HTTP POST request with the settings already configured.
PRETTY_PRINT - Static variable in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.WriterConfig
Write JSON in pretty-print, with each value on a separate line and an indentation of two spaces.
PrettyPrint - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Enables human readable JSON output by inserting whitespace between values.after commas and colons.
PrettyPrint(char[]) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.PrettyPrint
privateKey(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
privateKeyType(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
put() - Method in class
Executes an HTTP PUT request with the settings already configured.


read(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical
Basic read operation to retrieve a secret.
readTimeout(Integer) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
After an HTTP(S) connection has already been established, this is the number of seconds to wait for all data to finish downloading.
readTimeoutSeconds(Integer) - Method in class
After an HTTP(S) connection has already been established, this is the number of seconds to wait for all data to finish downloading.
remove(int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Removes the element at the specified index from this array.
remove(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Removes a member with the specified name from this object.
renew(String, long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Leases
Renews a given secret lease.
renewSelf() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Renews the lease associated with the calling token.
renewSelf(long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Auth
Renews the lease associated with the calling token.
Rest - Class in
A simple client for issuing HTTP requests.
Rest() - Constructor for class
RestException - Exception in
RestException(String) - Constructor for exception
RestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
RestResponse - Class in
This class contains the metadata and data that was downloaded by Rest from an HTTP response.
RestResponse(int, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class
revoke(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Leases
Immediately revokes a secret associated with a given lease.
revokeForce(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Leases
Revokes all secrets or tokens generated under a given prefix immediately.
revokePrefix(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Leases
Revokes all secrets (via a lease ID prefix) or tokens (via the tokens' path property) generated under a given prefix immediately.
RoleOptions - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki
A container for options sent to and returned by role-related endpoints on the PKI backend.
RoleOptions() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions


serialNumber(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.Credential
serverFlag(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions
set(int, int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified int value.
set(int, long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified long value.
set(int, float) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified float value.
set(int, double) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified double value.
set(int, boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
set(int, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the JSON representation of the specified string.
set(int, JsonValue) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified position in this array with the specified JSON value.
set(String, int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified int value.
set(String, long) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified long value.
set(String, float) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified float value.
set(String, double) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified double value.
set(String, boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified boolean value.
set(String, String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the specified string.
set(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the specified JSON value.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Sets the maximum number of times that an API operation will retry upon failure.
setRetryIntervalMilliseconds(int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Sets the period of time (in milliseconds) that the driver will wait in between retry attempts for a failing API operation.
singleLine() - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.PrettyPrint
Print every value on a separate line.
size() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns the number of elements in this array.
size() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns the number of members (name/value pairs) in this object.
sslPemFile(File) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
An X.509 certificate, to use when communicating with Vault over HTTPS.
sslPemResource(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
An X.509 certificate, to use when communicating with Vault over HTTPS.
sslPemUTF8(String) - Method in class
An X.509 certificate, to use when communicating with Vault over HTTPS.
sslPemUTF8(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
An X.509 certificate, to use when communicating with Vault over HTTPS.
sslVerification(Boolean) - Method in class
Whether or not HTTPS connections should verify that the server has a valid SSL certificate.
sslVerify(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Whether or not HTTPS connections to the Vault server should verify that a valid SSL certificate is being used.


token(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Sets the token used to access Vault.
toString() - Method in enum com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.CredentialFormat
toString() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns the JSON string for this value in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
toString(WriterConfig) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Returns the JSON string for this value using the given formatting.
TRUE - Static variable in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Represents the JSON literal true.
ttl(String) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions


unmodifiableArray(JsonArray) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns an unmodifiable wrapper for the specified JsonArray.
unmodifiableObject(JsonObject) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonObject
Returns an unmodifiable JsonObject for the specified one.
url(String) - Method in class
Sets the base URL to which the HTTP request will be sent.
useCsrCommonName(Boolean) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.RoleOptions


value(int) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given int value.
value(long) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given long value.
value(float) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given float value.
value(double) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given double value.
value(String) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given string.
value(boolean) - Static method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.Json
Returns a JsonValue instance that represents the given boolean value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.CredentialFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.bettercloud.vault.api.pki.CredentialFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonArray
Returns a list of the values in this array in document order.
Vault - Class in com.bettercloud.vault
The Vault driver class, the primary interface through which dependent applications will access Vault.
Vault(VaultConfig) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
Construct a Vault driver instance with the provided config settings.
VaultConfig - Class in com.bettercloud.vault
A container for the configuration settings needed to initialize a Vault driver instance.
VaultConfig() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
Default constructor.
VaultConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
A convenience constructor, for quickly creating a VaultConfig instance with its address and token fields populated.
VaultConfig(String) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
A convenience constructor, for quickly creating a VaultConfig instance with its address field populated.
VaultConfig(String, String, VaultConfig.EnvironmentLoader) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
An overloaded version of the normal convenience constructor, used by unit tests to inject a mock environment variable loader and validate that loading logic.
VaultConfig(String, VaultConfig.EnvironmentLoader) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.VaultConfig
An overloaded version of the normal convenience constructor, used by unit tests to inject a mock environment variable loader and validate that loading logic.
VaultException - Exception in com.bettercloud.vault
VaultException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bettercloud.vault.VaultException
VaultException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.bettercloud.vault.VaultException
VaultException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.bettercloud.vault.VaultException
Use this constructor to generate a VaultException instance that is based on receiving a particular HTTP status code from a Vault server (e.g.
VaultException(Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.bettercloud.vault.VaultException
Use this constructor to generate a VaultException instance that is based on receiving a particular HTTP status code from a Vault server (e.g.
VaultResponse - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.response
VaultResponse is a common base class for the response objects returned by all API methods.
VaultResponse(RestResponse, int) - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.response.VaultResponse


withRetries(int, int) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.Vault
This method is chained ahead of endpoints (e.g.
write(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical
Basic operation to store secrets.
WriterConfig - Class in com.bettercloud.vault.json
Controls the formatting of the JSON output.
WriterConfig() - Constructor for class com.bettercloud.vault.json.WriterConfig
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Writes the JSON representation of this value to the given writer in its minimal form, without any additional whitespace.
writeTo(Writer, WriterConfig) - Method in class com.bettercloud.vault.json.JsonValue
Writes the JSON representation of this value to the given writer using the given formatting.
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